Chocolate Hazelnut Porridge

I don't know if this is normal, but the first thing my sister and I crave every morning is dessert. While I generally eat a banana to satisfy my sweet craving, my sister comes up with some super healthy breakfast (dessert) ideas, like this one -- chocolate hazelnut porridge. We usually keep jars full of homemade, [...]

By | September 13th, 2014|Breakfast|651 Comments

Sweet Dosa

It had been several months since we made "gadiya pulla" or as my cousin Akash would call it, "sweet dosa". It's basically a thin and healthy wheat pancake without any raising agents like baking powder or baking soda. It's best eaten on its own or with plain cold milk. It's sweet like dessert and perfectly [...]

By | March 23rd, 2013|Breads & Pastries, Breakfast, Comfort Food|85 Comments

Wholewheat Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Dharti and I woke up on this amazing sunny Sunday morning craving pancakes while we were still in bed. Just while we were talking about making chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, my mum walked into my room asking us to make something "healthy" for breakfast. So we decided to make wholewheat pancakes as they would [...]

By | March 18th, 2013|Breakfast, Comfort Food|104 Comments
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